About Us

Images of Faith


Images of Faith is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. Founded in 2008 by Jim and Jan Bailie, incorporated with the articles of "sharing the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ through the use of different media. 

Jan Bailie, MSN, RN


The Bailie's moved to Tampa after 25 years in Pensacola, Florida. Jim and Jan along with there two boys moved to Central Florida where Jim accepted a position as Ministry Director of media production. Jim and Jan collaborate on new ministry resources to assist ministries in the Great Commission of spreading the Gospel.

Jim Bailie, M.A.


After 17 years in Broadcast Television and 8 years in Christian Television, Jim along with his wife founded Images of Faith Ministries, Inc. Using producing, directing, editing and camera skills they have produced media ministry resources for over 10 years and duplicated tens of thousands of salvation DVDs. 

Real Life Testimonies of God's Grace

Giving a witness while in physical therapy

While attending physical therapy in South Carolina, after a cardiac episode, Ed wanted to share his faith with a very kind receptionist. However, she did not want to hear about Jesus. Ed then asked her if she would watch a DVD if he were to give her one. At first she said no, but after a time she accepted the DVD but did not promise she would watch. After a few weeks Ed was attending therapy and the receptionist greeted him with a big smile and announced she had trusted Christ as her Savior after watching the DVD.

3rd Time's a charm...

On the southern California coast, a family was sitting a a Pastor's office inquiring about the Christian School at the church. At the end of the conversation concerning the Christian Academy, the Pastor handed a DVD to the father and asked him if he would watch it. Unknown to the Pastor, the DVD contained 3 versions of the same message, just a different graphic background. When the unsaved father watched the first version, he continued watching as he promised. After the second version finished, the third version began. He dutifully watched the third version and at its conclusion, he trust Christ as his Savior and Lord. The Lord used a simple mishap to bring another soul into His kingdom.

A Businessman meets his maker...

At a church in Florida, the morning service had already begun when a businessman slipped in the back and sat down. An usher noticing the visitor gave him a visitor's brochure with a salvation DVD on the inside. As the service was ending, the man slipped out and went on his way. After a couple weeks the church office received a call from the man. He explained he had trusted Jesus Christ as his Savior, but the reason for his call was he wanted to purchased 10 more brochures with gospel DVDs to give to his family, he want them to be saved. The church of course sent the DVDs at no charge trust the Lord would bless the sharing of the salvation message.